Guest Blogger: Hannah Gwen Stowell, Age 7
When I’m at school I see kids bring the same thing to eat. Here are some foods I like.
Colorful lunch ideas:
Crackers, cheese, tomatoes, carrots
Tortilla chips to dip in avocado, black beans and tomato
Pasta salad with diced peppers, cucumber, chicken and salad dressing
Veggies and ranch dressing, cold chicken strips
Mini bagels with cream cheese and tomato
Greek yogurt with homemade trail mix (I put cereal, pistachios and dried cranberries in a bag.)
Some other snacks I like to pack:
GoGo Squeeze Applesauce on the Go
Chocolate almond butter and crackers
Fruit salad
Product Review:
Last week, I brought a GoPicnic boxed lunch with SunButter and Crackers. I like the little bags but they were really hard to open so I had to get help from a teacher.It tasted great! I loved it…and not just the cookie! It was really good.